What we do
How often have you thought that all children should have the opportunity to get meaningful education that isn't just a drudgery to be endured but an experience to be cherished?
Eklavya strives to translate this dream into reality.
Eklavya was founded in 1982 with the objective of conducting micro-level field-based experiments in education and developing methods and collaborations for their diffusion. Inspired by the Eklavya legend from Mahabharat, the idea was to contribute to improving the mainstream education of the country, to bring the best in education within the reach of everyone and to support everyone's effort to learn and discover, question and create.
Eklavya's strength lies in its ability to network with premier institutions of the country and bring these resources to field-based programmes. It has also had a long experience of collaborating with voluntary organizations as well as governmental departments for the improvement of the government school system.
To begin with, Eklavya collaborated with the SCERT of MP through the 1980s and 1990s in conducting and expanding the landmark Hoshangabad Science Teaching Programme and in developing the Social Studies Programme and the Primary Education Programme. Over these years, Eklavya also developed forums and campaigns to support children’s creative pursuits out of school and began growing as an important publisher of educational materials.
At present Eklavya has been focusing on five main areas of work: